I’m an SEO Specialist in the Philippines with a history of helping businesses like yours get noticed online. I use my SEO knowledge to create plans that make your website easier to find by the right customers, bringing more qualified leads your way.

About SEO Specialist in the Philippines - Ern Rendon Sinugbuhan


Hi! I’m Ern, an SEO specialist in Paranaque, Philippines. I got my start in the exciting world of digital marketing after finishing my Computer Engineering Course in Iligan City.

In 2019, I began my journey in SEO as a link-builder in Metro Manila, and that’s when I truly discovered my passion for helping websites rank higher in search results.


Years of SEO Experience

Awards & Honors



My SEO Cycle and Process include full website audits, keyword mapping & research, and competitor analysis. I also provide website content optimization, and link building, to improve better your website visibility in search engine result pages.

Website Audit - SEO Specialist in the Philippines


I explore your website to understand how it’s doing right now. I identify any problems and offer suggestions on how to fix them, analyzing your website with tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to prioritize optimizations for mobile responsiveness, content delivery, server performance, and a seamless user experience while monitoring progress for long-term success.

Onpage SEO


This is where I work on optimizing your website for search engines. I focus on refining metadata, content, images, and videos to improve search engine ranking and attract more organic traffic.

Offpage SEO Specialist


I boost your website’s credibility by building connections with other important and relevant websites through strategic link-building. This increases your website’s authority in the eyes of search engines and drives valuable organic traffic.

Keyword Research


This involves understanding your target audience’s search intent and identifying the terms they use to find similar businesses or products. By incorporating these keywords and crafting content that caters to their search goals, I can significantly improve your website’s organic visibility.

Office Reporting


Monitoring key metrics like keyword rankings, website traffic, conversions, and backlinks is crucial to assess the effectiveness of your SEO efforts. This data-driven approach allows me to continually refine your SEO strategy and ensure it delivers the best possible results.

Analysis SEO Specialist


To stay ahead of the competition, I’ll constantly track emerging keywords, content formats, and SEO best practices. This ensures your website remains optimized for the ever-evolving search engine landscape.


Imagine attracting ten times more qualified leads to your website every month! That’s the power of higher search engine ranking. By appearing at the top of search results, you’ll reach millions of potential customers searching for business.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can take your website to the next level. It helps your site rank higher, attract more visitors, and turn them into loyal customers. I’ll partner with you to achieve your business goals through a website that works hard for you

google search for a keywords seo specialist philippines


Did you know most people turn to search engines to find the best local businesses? It’s no surprise – search engines are the king of online shopping, driving almost 40% of traffic to stores like yours!

And the good news keeps coming! Online sales have been booming since 2020. Businesses that combine online and offline marketing  see even more success, with customers spending more both online and in-store.

Is your business capitalizing on this trend?


If your website isn’t ranking on the first page of Google, your customers won’t see it. If you’re not ranking, these customers will choose the competitors who are—it’s as simple as that. Search engines are the best place to find customers online but reaching the first page is a long-term investment. It requires the expertise and experience of SEO professionals who understand your business, industry, and market. I understand the stakes. I work with you to deliver the online visibility your business deserves.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are several advantages to hiring an SEO specialist in the Philippines:

  • Cost-effective: SEO specialists in the Philippines often offer competitive rates compared to other regions.
  • Skilled Workforce: The Philippines has a large pool of talented SEO professionals with strong English language skills and a deep understanding of international SEO best practices.
  • Time Zone Advantage: Depending on your location, the Philippines’ time zone can offer convenient overlap for communication and project management.
  • Local Market Knowledge: If your target audience includes the Philippines, a local SEO specialist can provide valuable insights into search trends and user behavior specific to that market.

Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Experience: Look for an SEO specialist with a proven track record of success in achieving results for clients in your industry.
  • Skills and Knowledge: Ensure they have a strong understanding of SEO best practices, including keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, and technical SEO.
  • Communication: Choose someone with excellent communication skills to ensure clear and effective collaboration.
  • Portfolio: Ask to see examples of their past work and the results they achieved for other clients.
  • Cultural Fit: Consider whether their work style and approach align with your company culture.

Rates can vary depending on the specialist’s experience, the scope of your project, and the services included. Generally, you can expect to find SEO specialists in the Philippines with rates starting around $350 per month.

Here are three more factors to consider when evaluating potential candidates:

  • Industry Expertise: If your business operates in a specific niche, look for an SEO specialist with experience working in your industry. They will have a deeper understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities associated with SEO in your field.
  • Technical Skills: Beyond foundational SEO knowledge, some projects may require expertise in technical SEO tasks like website audits, schema markup implementation, or mobile optimization. Assess the technical SEO needs of your project and find a specialist with the appropriate skillset.
  • Data Analysis and Reporting: A strong SEO specialist should be able to track and analyze website traffic data to measure the success of their efforts. Look for someone who can provide clear and insightful reports that demonstrate the impact of their work on your website’s performance.

There are several ways to find qualified SEO specialists in the Philippines:

  • Online Job Boards: Platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and OnlineJobs.ph allow you to post job descriptions and connect with freelance SEO specialists.
  • SEO Agencies: Many SEO agencies in the Philippines offer services with dedicated teams of specialists.
  • Professional Networks: Utilize professional networking sites like LinkedIn to search for SEO professionals in the Philippines with relevant experience.
  • Industry Associations: The Philippine Internet Marketing Association (PIMA) is a good resource for finding reputable SEO agencies and professionals in the Philippines.

In addition to the standard interview questions, here are some specific questions to ask potential SEO specialists in the Philippines:

  • How will you stay up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and algorithm updates?
  • What is your approach to keyword research and on-page optimization?
  • How will you build high-quality backlinks to my website?
  • How will you track and report on the results of your SEO efforts?
  • Can you provide references from past clients?